Real Talk With Reko

2015' the year of change! Real Talk will be featured on the RadioFront One network, and RekoSuave's SuckerFree Zone will be featured on

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Maybe changing Networks!

Well, I have ended my half a year ride with Blog Talk Radio.  Who knows I may return. I am currently debating on the switch of Internet networks in which to continue on with my show.  I am always looking for new and creative ideas for my show.  I definitely enjoyed interviewing, having co-hosts, playing some music, and mostly running my I am hoping that I will like the network change despite the issues that I had been having with the Internet period. The blog talk radio player will remain on this blog so that you can go back in the archives of the different shows and topics. I have had a ball with all the folks that I have met along the way, that called into my show, and participated with all the support.  I love all of you, and I hope to be returning with a better show, so keep your fingers crossed.  I will also keep this blog going with writings about different radio shows, artists, DJ's, and articles I support and are involved with.  I also am getting back interested in my writing, and will be releasing another blog full of passionate stories and writings.  So be on the look out for "Passion Fruits".  I will be rather busy in the up coming months with family, but hopefully finding the time to up-date my blogs.  STAY TUNED!