Real Talk With Reko

2015' the year of change! Real Talk will be featured on the RadioFront One network, and RekoSuave's SuckerFree Zone will be featured on

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hey, hey, hey.....Just wanted to update you all and tell you about the new station that I have coming. It will be still "Real Talk With Reko", and I will be back on. The name of the station will be WDMV, and I hope that people will be able to participate with this project. Soon I will also be taking inquiries from folks that want to have their own show on the network. Once everything is on and poppin' I will be able to provide folks with details on how to conduct their own show on the network. I am still learning and testing out some things. I will try to do an actual broadcast tomorrow evening as a test so that I can begin to iron out some of the kinks and see what I can do better, and what not to do when creating this broadcast. As you all can see I am not going to give up on this because it is something that I enjoy doing in my spare time. I hope to have some new and exciting things going on with this so just bear with me. Also I should have a new co-host on with me, probably by December, so be on the look out for that. Check out a little sample below!