Real Talk With Reko

2015' the year of change! Real Talk will be featured on the RadioFront One network, and RekoSuave's SuckerFree Zone will be featured on

Monday, August 8, 2011

Forgiveness-Is it for you or others?

If you missed the show Saturday night, then you missed a very heavy topic.  Me and MacGirl4Life tackled the topic of Forgiveness and whether or not it is really for you or the other person.  This was a very touchy topic for me, because learning how to forgive is a obstacle for me on a daily basis. I struggle to forgive all of the offenses that have been done to me by other people.  Also during the show MacGirl4Life also had stories of other people who also struggled, and conquered their offenses, and moved on with life. This was actually a very emotional topic for me to discuss, given that I have a strong issue with it.  I need to learn how to forgive people and just pray for them, because whatever they do to you, there are consequences, it might not happen right away, but those folks will eventually pay for their offenses. This was a topic that actually needed to be touched.  It might even need a Part  I totally enjoyed speaking with Ms. Macgirl4Life, and having this discussion.  Stay Tuned for MORE to come from Real Talk With Reko!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sexual Frustration with your mate/partner/spouse- revisited!

If you missed this show on Wednesday, then you missed me and Ms Sunshine, revisiting a topic that I have actually spoke on before. The first time that I spoke about this topic on my show, I was pretty much discussing it myself, but this time I had another voice to add some more opinion to the discussion. I was also delighted when one of my Breakfast Club friends showed up and added her views and opinions. I definitely enjoyed conversing as always on blog talk radio and I am hoping to continue with the good topics and guests to the show. I had found some more information online about the topic and was able to find a detailed description about exactly what Sexual Frustration was, and elaborated on some of the experiences that I have concerning this specific topic. One of the points I raised was about the worst sexual frustration being with your spouse. I have happened to have had an issue with my ex husband concerning sex, and it caused an even bigger strain on the marriage, along with all the other outside issues we were having. I was thinking as well as our guest caller was, that what man would not want constant sex on the regular. I was hoping that a man would call in and shed some light on the topic, however, not one did. Because if a man is getting it on the regular, and frequent, then I feel that he shouldn't have to look elsewhere for that gratification. Never the less, this was a good topic to revisit! STAY TUNED!!