Real Talk With Reko

2015' the year of change! Real Talk will be featured on the RadioFront One network, and RekoSuave's SuckerFree Zone will be featured on

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last Night's show!!

Last Night's show was a good show to come back to blog talk radio with. I enjoyed choppin' it up with Ms SunShine, on the topic of "Single Mother's Raising Males". We had a little participation and I was glad to hear from my blog talk neighbor Mr. Magic, who has always shown support, as I do with his show. I enjoyed being back on the air, hopefully with more to come. Of course there is still not really a listener base to my show, but I hope that eventually that will change, and besides I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE. I am not a quitter, I have to keep trying, because hopefully for me it will lead to other things. It might benefit me in someway. I am definitely glad to have access to the "primetime" hours now, that may also be of some benefit to the show. I hope that people get hip soon and check out the show. I am about to get some more of my friends involved and I hope that will also bring more listeners in. I am trying to think about the music as well, which I think will serve as time breaks between conversation, and questioning of the guests. So join me, and I will definitely keep everyone posted on what is coming up next and what the topics are going to be about. Let's give it up to our single mother's who are raising male children, and any children on their own for that matter!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Heavy Hitter Wednesday!!!

Due to some server issues I encountered on Saturday, Oct. 16th, I was not able to do a show, on top of that I was kind of under the weather. Actually I am still under the weather, but the show must go on tomorrow night!! The topic of tomorrow night's show is "Single mothers raising male children". So I am hoping to have a good show, now that my show will be on during "primetime" hours. So I am hoping to gain more listeners between these hours. I am experimenting with the time, because I can do up to 2 hours, or even an hour and a half, which I think that I am going to start out with, because I don't want to over do it. My next topic will be about the topic that I know and love and that is "Music". I can do multiple shows about that topic So definitely stay tuned to the Facebook fan page about the topics and features of each show. Definitely check here as well!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Reko's RETURN to Blog Talk!

Get ready, because I am about to make my return to Blog Talk Radio. With featured artists, business owners, hot topics and MORE. So be on the look out. I will be back on October 16th, and I will announce the time by the middle of the week. I plan to come with more interesting things on the show. Hopefully, more people will participate, and spread the word, because I want this show to be a good one. On my Wednesday night shows I will have "Ms Sunshine" on my show, who will be chillin' with me and coming with some interesting topics. I will be using this show as a open forum for positivity, and discussions on topics that are important today. If you listen to previous shows then you know that I touch on different topics. I will also be having folks on who are in the entertainment industry who can give us the 411 on what's hot and what's not. Looking forward to having a wonderful show, and having more listeners. I will not be doing "Reko's Hip Hop News" any longer. It will be combined with "Real Talk With Reko", where I will feature artists on my show, and will also have discussions on REAL topics! So make sure you will join me!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

If you missed my interview with these young gentlemen, I suggest that you hit up Blog Talk Radio, or Itunes to check it out. They have released their first album, and sent yours truly a copy, AND they released it on 9-7-2010, which was my birthday. I am sooo excited for them and I am DEFINITELY enjoying the album. I am looking forward to many more things from them to come. Since I am returning to the airwaves later this month, I may have to get them back on to see what more things that they have been up to. I know that they won 1st place in the istandard producers contest, down in Florida, but they posted the video amd I was totally proud of them. Young men knowing what they want to do with them selves EARLY. That's what I like. I definitely hope that I get to talk to them again, esp. since they have dropped this wonderful album. Also don't forget that I have an article still running about them on, that you can go and read it will tell you a little more about them. I will be glad when we get back on the air and THIS time I will have some company!!! STAY TUNED!