Real Talk With Reko

2015' the year of change! Real Talk will be featured on the RadioFront One network, and RekoSuave's SuckerFree Zone will be featured on

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hey Hey Hey, it is 2015 and  once again there will be new things poppin' off. I will be returning to internet radio and hopefully this time it will be successful. My show will be on a new interface called Radio Front One, of which I have to thank my boy Richard Alexander III, who has diligently worked with me on numerous occasions to provide a good platform in which to create my show. Looking forward to some new burning questions and hot topics to talk about on air, and with no holds barred conversations. I look forward to the laughter, the fun, the different opinions and more participation. LET'S GOOOO!! I am ready and hopefully will be doing my first actual show by the end of the week. 2015 I'm ready!